A Red Roof: The Talk of the Town

7.22.11 | 10:58 a.m.

Hello, Everyone!

As you all can see we are getting a big red roof put on Hospital Shalom and, needless to say, we are the talk of the town.

Our Red Roof!

Now that the martial law has been removed we seem to be getting patients from the rural villages again.   This week our patients numbers have been up where they need to be.   Praise God!!

In His Service,

Tim Spurrier
On the web: www.NewCovenantWorldMissions.org
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today

Pictures from the Field: Steve Yoder

07.14.11 | 4:13 PM

We’re thrilled to be able to share the following photos provided by Steve Yoder of Stark Truss, who has been on-site assisting with the installation of the trusses. The first picture shows the progress we’ve made this week.  Additional photos are of the vehicle signs we recently received so we can proclaim hope and healing everywhere we drive!

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Thanks so everyone who supports the work God is doing in the hearts of the people living in Peten and throughout Central America.

Everything you give — from your prayers, to financial gifts, to words of encouragement to providing for various needs by traveling to Guatemala or sending resources  — is truly making an eternal difference.

We are blessed to continue to be a blessing!

Tim & Doris Spurrier
On the web: www.NewCovenantWorldMissions.org
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today

Second Level Trusses Are On!

07.13.2011 | 11:38 AM

Praise God!  All the trusses for the second level have now been installed, and we are in the process of placing the sheet steel roofing.  God is soooooooooo very good to us.

In the pictures I have attached, you will be able to see a tall gringo watching our workers with a careful eye.  That man is Steve Yoder of Stark Truss company located in Canton, Ohio.

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Steve traveled to the Peten to ensure everything was installed properly and the truss system, which was engineered and supplied by Stark Truss, would service Hospital Shalom for many years to come.  Steve was also accompanied by his son Eric and Daniel Miller. Both of these young men worked very hard while they where here.

Doris and I would like to thank all of you who have faithfully supported New Covenant World Missions and Hospital Shalom with your prayers and finances.  Each of you are an integral member of a great team who will continue to serve the people of Central America in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God bless you!

Read update posted 7/15/11 here.

In His Service,

Tim Spurrier
On the web: www.NewCovenantWorldMissions.org
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today

Many “Firsts” Taking Place at Hospital Shalom

06.30.2011 | 9:40 PM

Greetings, Everyone:

Well, I have wanted to get a construction update sent out and here it is!

The pictures show that the truss system is ready for sheet metal roofing except for the valley trusses, and Steve Yoder of Stark Truss will be here to help us with that procedure.  Friday, Doris and I have an appointment to talk to a supplier about getting the roofing material here by the middle of next week.

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Praise God everything seems to be going smoothly with construction and we will soon have the hospital second floor under roof.  The rainy season has already started which has caused us to run a little behind schedule.

Our friends from Lifecorps International (in Canada) have been so very faithful in helping us to fund some of our projects at Hospital Shalom.  They have been assisting us with the purchase of new kitchen and laundry equipment.  This week we will be installing much of the new equipment and I can hardly wait to send you pictures of what looks like.  We will be able to provide a wide variety of meals for all types of diet plans.

The laundry will have washing machines dedicated for surgical laundry and other machines for housekeeping laundry and one for general patient laundry.  It will be exciting to see the look on the health inspector’s face because I think we will be the only health care facility in the Peten that meets all the requirements.

And I have another really BIG FIRST.  Several months ago I talked to Jim Moore of Samaritan’s Purse and he offered us some adult ventilators.  They arrived about two weeks ago and yesterday an internal medicine doctor and a respiratory therapist arrived to check out the machines and we are now official.  Now that we have adult ventilators to go with our neonatal ventilators, we are the first non-governmental health care facility in the Peten to offer complete intensive care service.  To God be the Glory!

Well, I better get moving.  Foster and one of the grounds keepers have been on vacation this week so Doris and I have had to pull double duty.  I have been helping with landscaping today and Doris has been busy with a lot of scheduling for the nursing department. Next week one of the cooks goes on vacation, so Doris will be in the kitchen.  Thank God Foster will be back to do the administration work!

Thank you all for all your prayers and support.

In His Service,

Tim Spurrier
On the web: www.NewCovenantWorldMissions.org
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today

Construction Continues: Second Floor Taking Shape

06.17.11 | 3:31 PM

Greetings, Everyone:

I’m attaching two pictures of the continuing construction at Hospital Shalom.  We are getting the piggy back trusses in place and starting to install the top cord steel  in preparation for the steel sheet roofing material.

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Joe Rey and Gary Morrison are on site to assist with all this construction work and we are glad that they were able to be here. The Guatemalan crew always enjoys working with people from the States.

We remain under martial law and even though things seem calm at times, we are still encountering challenges. Some members of the drug cartel that caused all these problems are now on trial and from time to time we see large columns of police and military vehicles moving rapidly through the area. They are attempting  to keep things quiet because they do not want to hinder the tourist trade during this high-traffic time of year. Unfortunately, we have noticed that there are not a lot of tourists moving around.

Click here for June construction update.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers.

Thank you,

Tim Spurrier
On the web: www.NewCovenantWorldMissions.org
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today

Update on Orlando Tut

05.13.2011 |12:13 PM

Hello, Everyone!

I’m attaching a photo of Orlando Tut. (Read original post here.) As you will recall,  Orlando is a 14-year-old boy who comes from a very poor family.  He broke his leg playing soccer with his friends.

Orlando Tut following surgery to repair his leg.

On Thursday evening, I assisted Dr. Mario with Orlando’s operation.

Everything went as well as can be expected.  The governmental hospital that performed the first operation placed a long plate and screws into a bone that contained stress cracks down the length of the bone — unfortunately, the screws had pulled out.

Orlando’s leg bone had been severely damaged by the original surgery, the attempts to repair the injury, and the screws pulling out more than it already had been due to the break he suffered while playing soccer.

The best we could do for Orland was to remove all the screws and steel plate.  Then we put what was left of the bone back in place, and we are trying to keep it in the appropriate position with a heavy cast.   Please pray that Orlando’s bone will heal properly.

If you would like to make a donation to assist with the costs of Orlando’s surgery and recovery, it would be greatly appreciated. Please visit the link below.

Many thanks for your continued support!

Tim & Doris Spurrier
On the web: www.NewCovenantWorldMissions.org
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today

Truss Material Has Arrived

05.13.2011 | 11:53 AM

Hello, Everyone!

Here are three pictures of the materials being unloaded.  The first one shows  the shipping seals which do not show any signs of being tampered with.

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The materials came through with almost no damage at all.   A few, less than ten, pieces where a little bent but nothing we are unable to repair.

All in all everything went just as planned.  God is so good!

Steve Yoder and Doug Wolf from Stark Truss arrive next week to show us how everything goes together.

Read update posted 05/24/11.

Thank you all for all your help in making this all happen.

Tim & Doris Spurrier

On the web: www.NewCovenantWorldMissions.org
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today

Another Way to Support Hospital Shalom

05.09.11 | 8:00 AM

Hello, Everyone:

We wanted to share a unique way you can support the efforts of New Covenant World Mission & Hospital Shalom while you’re surfing the Internet or shopping online.

  • What if New Covenant World Missions & Hospital Shalom earned a donation every time you searched the Internet?
  • Or how about if a percentage of every purchase you made online went to support our cause? Well, now it can!

GoodSearch.com is a new Yahoo-powered search engine that donates half its advertising revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate. Use it just as you would any search engine, get quality search results from Yahoo, and watch the donations add up!

GoodShop.com is a new online shopping mall which donates up to 30 percent of each purchase to your favorite cause! Hundreds of great stores including Amazon, Target, Gap, Best Buy, eBay, Macy’s and Barnes & Noble have teamed up with GoodShop and every time you place an order, you’ll be supporting your favorite cause.

And if you download the GoodSearch – New Covenant World Missions  toolbar, our cause will earn money every time you shop and search online – even if you forget to go to GoodShop or GoodSearch first! Add the New Covenant World Missions toolbar at http://www.goodsearch.com/toolbar/new-covenant-world-missions

Thanks so much for checking this out!

Tim & Doris Spurrier
On the web: www.NewCovenantWorldMissions.org
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today

Some FAQs:

Where does the money come from?

Search engines make most of their money from companies that pay an advertising fee when users click on links during a search. At GoodSearch, we’ve patented a way to track and direct these search-generated proceeds to charities. In other words, a portion of advertiser dollars (and not your own!) earned as a result of your search, are now passed along to the organization you’ve chosen to support.

Do the users ever have to pay anything?

No. GoodSearch provides people a way to support their favorite cause at no cost. The money comes from the GoodSearch advertisers.

A Miracle for Orlando Tut

05.04.2011 | 6:34 PM

Hi Everyone:

We have attached the x-rays we have received from Orlando Tut, a 14 year-old-boy who comes to us from a very poor family.

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Four months ago Orlando had an accident that fractured his femur.  The Governmental hospital did an operation to place a plate and screws to repair the bone.  As you can see the outcome of the operation was poor.  Now, the General Hospital wants a second chance, but this time they want more than 5,000 Quetzales just to cover the cost of the new plate they want to try.  This amount is more than several months of income for Orlando’s family, not to mention what they have already paid just to see Orlando walk again.

We are confident Hospital Shalom is able to do a much better job for Orlando.  Currently, we are waiting for an estimate of the total cost to perform  the operation, but we anticipate it will be in the $1,500 to $2,000 (US) range.   We believe our God is more than able to supply this need.

We have asked Doctor Mario to forward photos of Orlando and his family, and we will send them along as soon as we receive them.  Please start to pray now for God’s provision for funding and wisdom for our Doctors as we move forward to do whatever it takes to see a miracle for Orlando.

Update posted 5/14/11.

Thank You and God Bless,

Tim & Doris Spurrier
On the web: www.NewCovenantWorldMissions.org
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today

In Case You Didn’t Know . . .


  • 2011 is a presidential election year in Guatemala, please pray that God’s will is done, the candidate of His choosing will be elected, and the elections will be conducted in a fair and peaceful manner.
  • The Republic of Guatemala is situated in Central America and is bordered by Mexico, Belize, El Salvador and Honduras.  The Peten Jungle region, where Hospital Shalom is located, is slightly smaller than Tennessee and is the fastest growing department in the country. This wild and remote area was the center of the ancient Mayan Civilization and contains many important archeological sites.
  • The Peten is home to more than 1 million people and comprises about 35,400 square kilometers or 1/3 of the total land mass of Guatemala. Nearly 60% of people living in the Peten are unemployed or underemployed, most earning only $1 or $2 (US) per day. The need for laborers and resources in this area is very great!
  • More than 80% of people living in the Peten have access to public transportation, which they can use to reach Hospital Shalom.  God has placed us in the exact location He had prepared for us to be able to minister to the greatest number of people.

    Please continue to keep the People of Guatemala, the staff of Hospital Shalom, the health and welfare of our patients, and the work of the ministry in your prayers.

    We continue to stand firm in the faithfulness of God:

    “Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life” (Philippians 4:6-7, The Message).

    God bless you all!

    Tim & Doris Spurrier
    On the web: www.NewCovenantWorldMissions.org
    Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today