In Case You Didn’t Know . . .


  • 2011 is a presidential election year in Guatemala, please pray that God’s will is done, the candidate of His choosing will be elected, and the elections will be conducted in a fair and peaceful manner.
  • The Republic of Guatemala is situated in Central America and is bordered by Mexico, Belize, El Salvador and Honduras.  The Peten Jungle region, where Hospital Shalom is located, is slightly smaller than Tennessee and is the fastest growing department in the country. This wild and remote area was the center of the ancient Mayan Civilization and contains many important archeological sites.
  • The Peten is home to more than 1 million people and comprises about 35,400 square kilometers or 1/3 of the total land mass of Guatemala. Nearly 60% of people living in the Peten are unemployed or underemployed, most earning only $1 or $2 (US) per day. The need for laborers and resources in this area is very great!
  • More than 80% of people living in the Peten have access to public transportation, which they can use to reach Hospital Shalom.  God has placed us in the exact location He had prepared for us to be able to minister to the greatest number of people.

    Please continue to keep the People of Guatemala, the staff of Hospital Shalom, the health and welfare of our patients, and the work of the ministry in your prayers.

    We continue to stand firm in the faithfulness of God:

    “Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life” (Philippians 4:6-7, The Message).

    God bless you all!

    Tim & Doris Spurrier
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