Construction Continues: Second Floor Taking Shape

06.17.11 | 3:31 PM

Greetings, Everyone:

I’m attaching two pictures of the continuing construction at Hospital Shalom.  We are getting the piggy back trusses in place and starting to install the top cord steel  in preparation for the steel sheet roofing material.

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Joe Rey and Gary Morrison are on site to assist with all this construction work and we are glad that they were able to be here. The Guatemalan crew always enjoys working with people from the States.

We remain under martial law and even though things seem calm at times, we are still encountering challenges. Some members of the drug cartel that caused all these problems are now on trial and from time to time we see large columns of police and military vehicles moving rapidly through the area. They are attempting  to keep things quiet because they do not want to hinder the tourist trade during this high-traffic time of year. Unfortunately, we have noticed that there are not a lot of tourists moving around.

Click here for June construction update.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers.

Thank you,

Tim Spurrier
On the web:
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today

Guatemala Update: Construction Continues

05.24.2011 | 6:16 PM

Greetings, Everyone!

Well, we finally have all the trusses assembled, and we are now putting them on the building.  The Guatemalan workers we have hired have never done work like this before, but thanks to Dick Crandall, Gary Morrison, and Joe Rey the assembly process went as well as we could expect–especially considering that the people who really know this type of work had to postpone their trip because or the recent violence in the Peten.

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Speaking of the recent violence; things are slowly returning to normal.  Coming home from church Sunday evening we were not stopped and searched at all while last week we were stopped quite frequently. We are still under martial law and that will remain in effect for at least two weeks yet, but thank God we are safe and able to continue the work at hand.

Please pray we can get this truss system and the roof installed before the rains start.  Every year our large flat roof cracks under the 120-degree temperatures and when the rains come we are feverishly busy trying to stop all the leaks.  This new roof will not only put an end to the leaks, but the first floor should be at least 10 degrees cooler.

Well I had better get going I have lots to do yet.   God Bless you all and THANK YOU for all your prayers.

05/26/11: Read updated post here.

In His Service,

Tim Spurrier

On the web:
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today

Peten Updates: Friday Afternoon (5/20)

05.20.2011 | 1:33 PM

Hello Everyone:

Well, we passed another uneventful night here in the Peten.  When we travel into town,  we now see more police and military vehicles than anything else.  I compare it to a police and military anthill.   I am not complaining, however, because their presence is worth it to be able to continue routine activities and conduct business with some kind of normality.

Stores and banks are open for business, but promptly close at 6:00 p.m. when everyone rolls up the sidewalks.  In the past, we were able to go into town to visit a restaurant or just to be able to leave the hospital property for a bit and relax without being “at work.” Now, although we could leave the grounds, we know we would be stopped before we returned.

The nurse that was on duty Thursday night went home this morning after her shift ended, and was bitten by a snake.  She was unable to identify the type of snake, so we have to treat it as though it is the worst scenario and pray for the best.  Unfortunately, she will be out of commission for a few days.

Snakes are on the move because the rains have not yet started and they are searching for water.  Also, many farmers are burning their fields, which drives out the snakes as they are  forced to look for a new place to live. For one reason or another, snakes are on the move. Last night I was sitting with Joe Rey from the First Church of God Cherry Valley in Dorsett, Ohio, and while we were talking, I saw the head of a snake appear from beneath the chair he was sitting on.  Swift action ensured that snake will not bother us any more.

We are assembling trusses from the materials sent down by Stark Truss in Canton, Ohio.  We are praying we can get everything put together and ready for a team to come and install them.  I would like to have the roof completed before the rains begin.  Yesterday, the temperatures soared to 117 degrees, and the added benefit of the new roof to lower the temperature inside the hospital will be quite welcome.

Well I better sign off for now.   Thank you all for all your prayers.   Please continue to lift us up.  God Bless you all,

In His Service,

Tim Spurrier

On the web:
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today