Many “Firsts” Taking Place at Hospital Shalom

06.30.2011 | 9:40 PM

Greetings, Everyone:

Well, I have wanted to get a construction update sent out and here it is!

The pictures show that the truss system is ready for sheet metal roofing except for the valley trusses, and Steve Yoder of Stark Truss will be here to help us with that procedure.  Friday, Doris and I have an appointment to talk to a supplier about getting the roofing material here by the middle of next week.

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Praise God everything seems to be going smoothly with construction and we will soon have the hospital second floor under roof.  The rainy season has already started which has caused us to run a little behind schedule.

Our friends from Lifecorps International (in Canada) have been so very faithful in helping us to fund some of our projects at Hospital Shalom.  They have been assisting us with the purchase of new kitchen and laundry equipment.  This week we will be installing much of the new equipment and I can hardly wait to send you pictures of what looks like.  We will be able to provide a wide variety of meals for all types of diet plans.

The laundry will have washing machines dedicated for surgical laundry and other machines for housekeeping laundry and one for general patient laundry.  It will be exciting to see the look on the health inspector’s face because I think we will be the only health care facility in the Peten that meets all the requirements.

And I have another really BIG FIRST.  Several months ago I talked to Jim Moore of Samaritan’s Purse and he offered us some adult ventilators.  They arrived about two weeks ago and yesterday an internal medicine doctor and a respiratory therapist arrived to check out the machines and we are now official.  Now that we have adult ventilators to go with our neonatal ventilators, we are the first non-governmental health care facility in the Peten to offer complete intensive care service.  To God be the Glory!

Well, I better get moving.  Foster and one of the grounds keepers have been on vacation this week so Doris and I have had to pull double duty.  I have been helping with landscaping today and Doris has been busy with a lot of scheduling for the nursing department. Next week one of the cooks goes on vacation, so Doris will be in the kitchen.  Thank God Foster will be back to do the administration work!

Thank you all for all your prayers and support.

In His Service,

Tim Spurrier
On the web:
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today

Peten Updates: Friday Afternoon (5/20)

05.20.2011 | 1:33 PM

Hello Everyone:

Well, we passed another uneventful night here in the Peten.  When we travel into town,  we now see more police and military vehicles than anything else.  I compare it to a police and military anthill.   I am not complaining, however, because their presence is worth it to be able to continue routine activities and conduct business with some kind of normality.

Stores and banks are open for business, but promptly close at 6:00 p.m. when everyone rolls up the sidewalks.  In the past, we were able to go into town to visit a restaurant or just to be able to leave the hospital property for a bit and relax without being “at work.” Now, although we could leave the grounds, we know we would be stopped before we returned.

The nurse that was on duty Thursday night went home this morning after her shift ended, and was bitten by a snake.  She was unable to identify the type of snake, so we have to treat it as though it is the worst scenario and pray for the best.  Unfortunately, she will be out of commission for a few days.

Snakes are on the move because the rains have not yet started and they are searching for water.  Also, many farmers are burning their fields, which drives out the snakes as they are  forced to look for a new place to live. For one reason or another, snakes are on the move. Last night I was sitting with Joe Rey from the First Church of God Cherry Valley in Dorsett, Ohio, and while we were talking, I saw the head of a snake appear from beneath the chair he was sitting on.  Swift action ensured that snake will not bother us any more.

We are assembling trusses from the materials sent down by Stark Truss in Canton, Ohio.  We are praying we can get everything put together and ready for a team to come and install them.  I would like to have the roof completed before the rains begin.  Yesterday, the temperatures soared to 117 degrees, and the added benefit of the new roof to lower the temperature inside the hospital will be quite welcome.

Well I better sign off for now.   Thank you all for all your prayers.   Please continue to lift us up.  God Bless you all,

In His Service,

Tim Spurrier

On the web:
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today

Truss Material Has Arrived

05.13.2011 | 11:53 AM

Hello, Everyone!

Here are three pictures of the materials being unloaded.  The first one shows  the shipping seals which do not show any signs of being tampered with.

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The materials came through with almost no damage at all.   A few, less than ten, pieces where a little bent but nothing we are unable to repair.

All in all everything went just as planned.  God is so good!

Steve Yoder and Doug Wolf from Stark Truss arrive next week to show us how everything goes together.

Read update posted 05/24/11.

Thank you all for all your help in making this all happen.

Tim & Doris Spurrier

On the web:
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today