Guatemala Update: Construction Continues

05.24.2011 | 6:16 PM

Greetings, Everyone!

Well, we finally have all the trusses assembled, and we are now putting them on the building.  The Guatemalan workers we have hired have never done work like this before, but thanks to Dick Crandall, Gary Morrison, and Joe Rey the assembly process went as well as we could expect–especially considering that the people who really know this type of work had to postpone their trip because or the recent violence in the Peten.

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Speaking of the recent violence; things are slowly returning to normal.  Coming home from church Sunday evening we were not stopped and searched at all while last week we were stopped quite frequently. We are still under martial law and that will remain in effect for at least two weeks yet, but thank God we are safe and able to continue the work at hand.

Please pray we can get this truss system and the roof installed before the rains start.  Every year our large flat roof cracks under the 120-degree temperatures and when the rains come we are feverishly busy trying to stop all the leaks.  This new roof will not only put an end to the leaks, but the first floor should be at least 10 degrees cooler.

Well I had better get going I have lots to do yet.   God Bless you all and THANK YOU for all your prayers.

05/26/11: Read updated post here.

In His Service,

Tim Spurrier

On the web:
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today

Carla Continues to Improve

5/20/2011 | 1:51 p.m

On Friday, Dr. Carmen provided an update regarding Carla’s progress.

In an earlier post, I had shared Carla was responding very well to treatment.  We had started her on a vitamin-rich diet,  her infections were gon,e and she had started to eat well.   (You can read Carla’s story here.)

She is still admitted at Hospital Shalom, but we’re excited to report she has gained 3.5  pounds.  Praise God we are seeing improvement!

Carla has gained 3.5 pounds & continues to improve.

Cases like Carla usually require a long-term commitment on the part of the hospital, physicians, and parents.  We are committed to do everything we can to see Carla recover and request your continued prayer and financial support for this child and her family.

In His Service,

Tim Spurrier

On the web:
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today

Peten Updates: Friday Afternoon (5/20)

05.20.2011 | 1:33 PM

Hello Everyone:

Well, we passed another uneventful night here in the Peten.  When we travel into town,  we now see more police and military vehicles than anything else.  I compare it to a police and military anthill.   I am not complaining, however, because their presence is worth it to be able to continue routine activities and conduct business with some kind of normality.

Stores and banks are open for business, but promptly close at 6:00 p.m. when everyone rolls up the sidewalks.  In the past, we were able to go into town to visit a restaurant or just to be able to leave the hospital property for a bit and relax without being “at work.” Now, although we could leave the grounds, we know we would be stopped before we returned.

The nurse that was on duty Thursday night went home this morning after her shift ended, and was bitten by a snake.  She was unable to identify the type of snake, so we have to treat it as though it is the worst scenario and pray for the best.  Unfortunately, she will be out of commission for a few days.

Snakes are on the move because the rains have not yet started and they are searching for water.  Also, many farmers are burning their fields, which drives out the snakes as they are  forced to look for a new place to live. For one reason or another, snakes are on the move. Last night I was sitting with Joe Rey from the First Church of God Cherry Valley in Dorsett, Ohio, and while we were talking, I saw the head of a snake appear from beneath the chair he was sitting on.  Swift action ensured that snake will not bother us any more.

We are assembling trusses from the materials sent down by Stark Truss in Canton, Ohio.  We are praying we can get everything put together and ready for a team to come and install them.  I would like to have the roof completed before the rains begin.  Yesterday, the temperatures soared to 117 degrees, and the added benefit of the new roof to lower the temperature inside the hospital will be quite welcome.

Well I better sign off for now.   Thank you all for all your prayers.   Please continue to lift us up.  God Bless you all,

In His Service,

Tim Spurrier

On the web:
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today

Peten Update: Wednesday Afternoon (5/18)

05.18.2011 | 3:38 PM

Greetings, Everyone:

I just wanted you all to know that our God is more than faithful and we are all doing well.

We thought the trouble was starting up again when Foster (Hospital Shalom Administrator)  received an emergency phone call to come to the school and pick-up his children. When he arrived, he discovered that several of the older students figured  that if they were to send some messages to certain people on Twitter, the school would close and they would have the day free of school work.  At least that was the plan.

The messages caused the school to be invaded by police, and even the Governor showed up. And I imagine that the guilty parties are earnestly repenting for their mischief.

I am sending a picture of little Carla.   She is responding very well to treatment and we expect her to start putting on weight.  Her infections are now gone and she is eating well.   We hope that the vitamin rich diet we have her on will spark her appetite. (You can read Carla’s story here.)

Carla Gil

Thank you all for your continued prayers.   God Bless you all.

Tim Spurrier

On the web:
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today

Update on Carla: The Change is Miraculous

05.18.11 | 12:30 PM

Hello, Everyone!

We are thrilled to be able to post an update on Carla! (Read previous post  here.)

Carla is showing signs of dramatic improvement.  She has started eating–in fact, she now has a desire to eat and is eating very well.

We are believing God that she will continue to improve and gain weight.  Carla’s improvement since Friday is nothing short of miraculous!

Thanks for your prayers on behalf of this little girl. I stand in awe of God’s grace and compassion.

God Bless You All!

Tim Spurrier
On the web:
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today

The Situation in Guatemala is Unfolding

05.17.2011 | 1:00 PM

Dear Friends,

By now you may have heard about the events that have taken place in the Peten over the last two days. I don’t want to go into all the details, but the decapitated bodies of at least 25 men and two women were found on a ranch in the Peten near Guatemala’s border with Mexico sparking violence throughout the area. The kills are linked to an escalating battle between drug gangs fighting for control of the area.  For more information, you can check out the news report here.

Things were very chaotic and unstable throughout the area on Monday. Fortunately, last night was quiet and uneventful, and the only vehicles that passed by the hospital were police vehicles. We understand that the schools have been closed today, but all of the Hospital Shalom team members are on site today and ready to serve.

We have hired additional security at the hospital and now have one guard stationed at the front entrance and one patrolling the grounds at all times. Although this is a significant expense, we feel it is necessary to ensure the safety of our employees and patients.

It seems like the police and military have things buttoned down very tight right now. In an attempt to control the situation, the government has declared Martial Law. This means that for the time being no one is permitted to be on the streets between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.

Today I will be purchasing fuel for our back-up generator, so we are well-prepared to continue operating the hospital in the event the electricity goes out. While items are still available, I will also be purchasing groceries for the hospital and any other supplies that I anticipate we will be needing in the short-term future, as we don’t know how long emergency conditions–or supplies–will last.

Now for some questions and answers that I think you might have.

  • Is the violence over?  Ask me tomorrow.
  • Will it start up again?  I don’t know.
  • What will I do?   Minister Christ to all that come for help.
  • Will I leave? NO!
  • Do I feel like I am in danger?   No, I am confident that God has called me to be here and here I am.

Right now, the situation is still unsettled and unfolding, but we are standing strong in the Lord and the Power of His might. However, we need to ask for your support in the following areas:

  • Prayer for God’s divine safety, peace, and wisdom.
  • Emergency finances to cover the costs of the additional unexpected expenses that we are incurring.

I will try to keep you updated on a consistent basis.  Thank you all for all your prayers and your support!

Tim Spurrier
On the web:
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today

Carla, Age 7, Needs Your Prayers

05.16.2011 | 12:01 PM

Hello, Everyone:

Attached are photos of Carla Esperanza Gil with her parents, Juan Carlos and Delmi.   Carla is 7 years old and came to us last Friday night in very poor condition. She was born with some neurological challenges, and it is very difficult to get her to eat. Additionally, Carla has an extremely limited  diet, as her  little body will not tolerate many of the food options available to the family.

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Juan Carlos, her father, does the best he can to provide for the family.   He works in the National Park of Tikal and, even though he earns a steady income, it still only provides the family with less than $8.00 per day.

Hospital Shalom wants to provide the very best care we can for Carla.  When she arrived here she had a severe blood infection and pneumonia. We have this under control for now but we realize that if we send her home in her condition she will not survive.   We are bringing in a nutritionist to create a plan and a diet schedule.   Carla will need to be fed with a feeding tube for a while. We will be better able to determine what numerological problems exist after she begins to gain some weight.

I have already made the commitment to do whatever it takes to help this child but I need assistance to meet the obligation.  If God places Carla on your heart, please for her and if you are able to make a financial contribution to help cover the costs of her care, we would really appreciate it.


5/18/11: Update on Carla: The Change is Miraculous
5/20/11: Carla continues to Improve
6/1/11: Update: Free from infection & gaining weight, Carla goes home with a new wheelchair.

God Bless You All!

Tim Spurrier
On the web:
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today

Update on Orlando Tut

05.13.2011 |12:13 PM

Hello, Everyone!

I’m attaching a photo of Orlando Tut. (Read original post here.) As you will recall,  Orlando is a 14-year-old boy who comes from a very poor family.  He broke his leg playing soccer with his friends.

Orlando Tut following surgery to repair his leg.

On Thursday evening, I assisted Dr. Mario with Orlando’s operation.

Everything went as well as can be expected.  The governmental hospital that performed the first operation placed a long plate and screws into a bone that contained stress cracks down the length of the bone — unfortunately, the screws had pulled out.

Orlando’s leg bone had been severely damaged by the original surgery, the attempts to repair the injury, and the screws pulling out more than it already had been due to the break he suffered while playing soccer.

The best we could do for Orland was to remove all the screws and steel plate.  Then we put what was left of the bone back in place, and we are trying to keep it in the appropriate position with a heavy cast.   Please pray that Orlando’s bone will heal properly.

If you would like to make a donation to assist with the costs of Orlando’s surgery and recovery, it would be greatly appreciated. Please visit the link below.

Many thanks for your continued support!

Tim & Doris Spurrier
On the web:
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today

Truss Material Has Arrived

05.13.2011 | 11:53 AM

Hello, Everyone!

Here are three pictures of the materials being unloaded.  The first one shows  the shipping seals which do not show any signs of being tampered with.

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The materials came through with almost no damage at all.   A few, less than ten, pieces where a little bent but nothing we are unable to repair.

All in all everything went just as planned.  God is so good!

Steve Yoder and Doug Wolf from Stark Truss arrive next week to show us how everything goes together.

Read update posted 05/24/11.

Thank you all for all your help in making this all happen.

Tim & Doris Spurrier

On the web:
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today

Another Way to Support Hospital Shalom

05.09.11 | 8:00 AM

Hello, Everyone:

We wanted to share a unique way you can support the efforts of New Covenant World Mission & Hospital Shalom while you’re surfing the Internet or shopping online.

  • What if New Covenant World Missions & Hospital Shalom earned a donation every time you searched the Internet?
  • Or how about if a percentage of every purchase you made online went to support our cause? Well, now it can! is a new Yahoo-powered search engine that donates half its advertising revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate. Use it just as you would any search engine, get quality search results from Yahoo, and watch the donations add up! is a new online shopping mall which donates up to 30 percent of each purchase to your favorite cause! Hundreds of great stores including Amazon, Target, Gap, Best Buy, eBay, Macy’s and Barnes & Noble have teamed up with GoodShop and every time you place an order, you’ll be supporting your favorite cause.

And if you download the GoodSearch – New Covenant World Missions  toolbar, our cause will earn money every time you shop and search online – even if you forget to go to GoodShop or GoodSearch first! Add the New Covenant World Missions toolbar at

Thanks so much for checking this out!

Tim & Doris Spurrier
On the web:
Access Online Giving Here:  Make A Difference Today

Some FAQs:

Where does the money come from?

Search engines make most of their money from companies that pay an advertising fee when users click on links during a search. At GoodSearch, we’ve patented a way to track and direct these search-generated proceeds to charities. In other words, a portion of advertiser dollars (and not your own!) earned as a result of your search, are now passed along to the organization you’ve chosen to support.

Do the users ever have to pay anything?

No. GoodSearch provides people a way to support their favorite cause at no cost. The money comes from the GoodSearch advertisers.